Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Just Nothing Much

Its cold. A chilling 8 degrees right now, 9:30 pm. This weekend is supposed to be bitter arctic cold so if you're planning on heading north, pack warm.
We'll be heading out on the sleds tomorrow. Still unsure what route we'll take. We do know where we are NOT going: and that is Lewistown. Riders just came in saying they just had the worst ride of their life when they got to the Lewistown trails. Extremely rough going. They're down now taking hot showers and ibuprofen.
They report Gaylord trails are well groomed and good riding.
We just finished up folding the last of the weekends laundry. A day of riding tomorrow, and then we'll be getting ready for another weekend. The lucky ones who have enjoyed the trail during the week will be checking out Thurs/Fri and we start the cycle of a motel life all over again.
The phone has been very busy the past two days with people planning their February sledding get aways.
Can you believe it February arrives in just one more day? How can the first month of the new year be almost over already?

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