Saturday, March 31, 2007

How did it happen

I was just thinking.............................
last week; how I had made it through the winter/flu season without getting sick at all. A few times I had a slight sore throat for 24 hours, but that was the extent of my winter illness. Until, yesterday.... and it took me completely by surprise.
Although, looking back.... I did think my allergies were especially bad the start of the week. Sinus seemed to be draining by mid week, and Thursday I had a sore throat and was starting to sound raspy. Yesterday, it hit me like a ton of bricks. Completely stuffed up head and raging sore throat. Miserable. I was up every 2-3 hours through the night with a throbbing head, plugged nose and scratching throat. And aching bones.. more than usual for this old body.
I was grateful for the quiet cloudy day since it has made it easier to indulge myself. I have not done much of anything besides lay in bed or in the recliner wrapped up in a blanket.
Hopefully it will make its exit as quickly as it entered.
Its no fun being sick.


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